Pardo Bazán, teaching materials

E-book and Workshop as a teaching approach to nineteenth century galician writer Emilia Pardo Bazán

E-book for reading and training

Countess Emilia Pardo Bazán is a very interesting and not enough well known writer and public personality of the late nineteenth century culture in Spain. Se was a traveller, prolific writer, public speaker, and a women with strong personality and commitments. This project produced by the publishing department of Fundación Barrié makes an approach to her life and work through several teaching materials.

Starting from a book published by the Foundation we made an interactive with lots of information and training online resources for personal work. Including a well developed webquest for team work in the classroom, and also links to more activities for class or homework. All contents beautifully developed by philologist Enrique Sánchez






Fundación Barrié

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